
Community and Gardening Links

Teaneck Greenway's mission is to support and encourage the development, maintenance and use of the Hackensack River Greenway in Teaneck.

Teaneck Creek Conservancy is a 46-acre park located in the Teaneck portion of Bergen County's Overpeck Park whose major remediation is fianlly finished. The TCC has trails for walking and observing birds and nature in a forested landscape. TCC offers outdoor and cultural programs: trailside eco-art exhibits, nature and history walks, geocaching, performative public art and special school programs. Installed in 2011 in conjunction with the Bergen County Audubon Society is a native plants garden to attract butterflies.

Cool botany links - an annotated, highly-varied list of sites for cultivated plant lore, identification of wild plants, image databases and more.

Native Plant Society of New Jersey - information-laden website all about native plants: plant photos, list of names, where to purchase (with nursery website link) native plants, growing conditions, suitability of sites/plants and much more.

Garden State Gardens, a Consortium of NJ Public Gardens to increase public awareness of and appreciation for New Jersey’s public gardens by promoting their horticultural, educational, historic and artistic value; and to facilitate the collaboration of allied professionals in order to promote public garden visitation, stewardship and support.

Deer resistant gardening information: PDF version of the handouts given out at a talk hosted by Rohsler's Nursery about how to garden when you have deer. Tom Bender's List of deer resistant plants.

http://www.efloras.org A site with arcane and hard to-find lists of plants (use drop-down menu at top right, Go to project): Catalogue of vascular plants of Madagascar; Harvard University List of Herbaria; Flora of Peru, Taiwan; A Checklist for the South China Botanical Garden, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P. R. China; Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal; and more.
